In the Next 5 Minutes, You’re About to Discover…

How Busy Parents & Muay Thai Enthusiasts Are Getting In The Best Shape Of Their Lives With Just 30-Minute-A-Day Workouts, From The Comfort Of Their Own Homes


...without sacrificing family time, spending countless hours at the gym or suffering through boring workouts.

The Ultimate Muay Thai Training Package
7400+ Like-Minded Individuals Have Already Joined

Are You A Busy Parent or Martial Arts Enthusiast Struggling to Fit In Your Workout?

Do you feel like you’ve lost control of your life?
If that’s you, then you’re finally in the right place at the right time.
Because look, I get it…

Waking up early for a job feels overwhelming,

And it’s not just that…

It’s when you look in the mirror and feel discomfort in your own body,
A feeling that’s constantly eating away at you.

Even though you’re in decent shape, your standards are just higher…
And the worst part?
You know deep in your soul that if YOU want, you can change it.
But life happens, and you say, “It’s okay, I’ll exercise tomorrow.”

I know it’s frustrating to wake up early, sit in traffic, go to work, then come home exhausted…
You’re already tired—adding a whole entire martial arts workout seems impossible.
And, okay...

Maybe you’ve tried physical therapy—but it didn’t feel like you were in control. 


Your therapist just ordered you around without really understanding your needs.

Plus, it was a significant waste of your time and money.

Or maybe you tried running or cycling,

But they only left you tired with no real improvements (and sometimes an unbearably high heart rate)...

(Plus, running bores you out of your mind.)

Still no solution to your actual problem.


None of the past methods you’ve tried,

From waking up early,

To jogging after work,

Or watching endless motivational videos—

None of these will help you reach the best version of yourself.


Because of B.S.T.E.

They’re BORING, STRESSFUL, and they require lots of TIME and ENERGY—things you simply don't have.

If you’re thinking “it’s all my fault”, You’re Wrong.

In fact, nearly 48% of American adults made a New Year's resolution to improve their fitness in 2024,

Yet nearly 1 in 4 adults aren’t meeting basic exercise recommendations.

Only 1 in 10 adults know how much exercise is needed to avoid serious health issues.

And it gets worse…

But the good news is this problem can be fixed.

I'll tell you more about that in a minute.

But first,

Let me tell you what happens when inactivity takes over.

In short, it compounds.

When you skip workouts and neglect your health, the consequences extend beyond just a few missed exercises.

Each day you choose inactivity, your risk of obesity and weight gain increases,

As your body burns fewer calories, making it easier to pack on the pounds.

This significantly raises your chances of developing chronic diseases.

And the stakes keep rising.

Your heart—the engine of your body—faces serious threats, including coronary artery disease and heart attacks.

Nearly 1.8 billion adults are at risk for diseases linked to physical inactivity.

Moreover, an inactive lifestyle can lead to high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol, both precursors to potential strokes.

And while you might think, “It won’t happen to me,” statistics tell a different story.

Complacency is a dangerous mindset.

Over time, inactivity weakens your muscles and bones.

But the effects don’t stop at the physical…

The psychological burden of inactivity can be equally devastating.

The cycle of guilt and regret may spiral into anxiety, even panic attacks.

Each day that passes without action is another day you risk feeling overwhelmed by stress and fatigue.

You can read more about the risks HERE.

But the main takeaway is this: It’s now or never.

Plus, The Reason Why Most People Don’t Exercise Is Simple:


⭕ They feel drained after a long day at work and keep putting off their workouts until tomorrow.

⭕ Their jobs squeeze their schedules so tightly that they don’t have time to train, leaving them exhausted.

â­• Or they repeat the same boring workouts that lead to burnout and ultimately quitting.


🟢 Progressive, fun, and easy to follow

🟢 Keeps you consistent and surrounds you with like-minded people

🟢 Gives you a fighter’s physique

🟢 Clears the brain fog from daily responsibilities

And if you’re thinking there’s no way forward…

 It’s Muay Thai.   

Think about it…

🔺 You’ll learn badass fighting techniques (not just how to run around the block)

🔺 You’ll be at peace with yourself and get the physique you’ve always wanted (and gain self-defense skills as a bonus)

🔺 You’ll never get bored of training because there’s always something new and exciting to learn

And it’s NOT just boxing… 

You’ll punch, kick, use your knees and elbows—making it way more fun.

Plus, you’ll relieve the daily stress you pick up through the work day—so you don't bring it home.

With every drop of sweat, you’ll get closer and closer to becoming the best version of yourself. 



🟢 A fun way to lose 10-15 pounds of belly fat in less than a month

🟢 While learning fighting skills that protect you & your loved ones 

🟢 And give you maximum respect from your peers and colleagues 

🟢 So you can leave a lasting legacy behind.


Then here’s what I have for you today…


It’s called the The Ultimate Muay Thai Training Package (At Home)— and it’s a workout program like you've never before.

The idea came to me when I was training for a fight but didn’t have any coaches or partners because I was working full-time.

So, I had to figure out a way train for a fight in a progressive way so that I keep getting better every day.

I decided to create my own program.

I grabbed a pen and paper and started developing everything.

I followed through with it and ended up winning a championship title at Madison Square Garden by 5th round knockout.

Then I decided to share it with my fans.

People were loving it because it was something like never before.

No running or cycling could match this workout plan.

From there on, I kept on improving it and making it better.

And I created other versions of it some years later.

With over 9700+ customers across the globe and 500+ 5-star reviews…

This program just keeps growing.


With Over 9700+ Customers Across The Globe And 500+ 5-star Reviews…



Andy Major

"This training package is literally worth years of content for all levels...
I provided this review because simply it's a great investment and 2 years in, I still use it. Really it's a hidden gem!"


"I’m only a couple weeks into the Heavybag Blueprint and I am loving it so far! I particularly love Sean’s style of workouts included with this program. Not only is it flexible but just the right amount of challenge and learning experience I was looking for. Definitely worth the purchase!!"


"I used Sean's content on Heavy Bag Blueprint for my at home training for nearly 2 months. I must say that this is the best Muay Thai online course out there... Do not hesitate to buy the course if you are serious about your Muay Thai."

Click Here To See More Proof!

As Featured In:

In Case You’re Wondering What This Package Is All About…

🟩 Do your back, knees & joints hurt before and after work? There’s a secret cure for your aches and pains- The Internet can’t stop talking about how fun it is… (all it takes is 5 min in the morning).

🟩 How to make 10-15 lbs. of belly fat disappear in 30 days. By far the fastest, most fun home workout strategy in 2024!

🟩 Did you know there’s a pill-free way to fix stress and anxiety? Here’s the step-by-step method (that you can do from home)..

🟩 What you MUST do - right now - before 60 in order to live a healthy, fulfilling life… (works even if you’re an extremely busy dad or mom!)

🟩 Are you wasting your workouts? Professional Muay Thai champ exposes a better, more exciting way to work out with 2x the results. (Spoiler: It’s not Cycling and running!)

🟩 Does your boss know you could kick his a*s if you started doing Muay Thai at home?

🟩 Over 97% of people have no idea how to defend themselves in a fight. Why should you care - and why your loved ones will thank you (it goes a lot deeper than you think…)

🟩 What your coach refuses to tell you about online training…PLUS: Why training at home might be BETTER than at a gym!

🟥 WARNING — Your physical health might be in extreme danger if you’re not exercising! A National Institute of Health study just proved that 21.8% of people who don’t work out end up in chronic pain in their 60s…

🟩 Boxing is better than Muay Thai when in your 30s - 50s, right? WRONG! Why use just your arms when you can use your entire body?

🟥 WARNING — Forget about therapy if your goal is to get fit and eliminate pain! Ignoring this single warning could lead you to waste loads of money & time with no results whatsoever…🟩 What you must do immediately if you want to be a role model for your children.

🟩 PLUS — Learn 35 step-by-step KO combinations I personally used to win fights (I wish I had this before I retired from the ring!)

🟩 PLUS: 21 Killer Kicking Drills to learn & flex on your friends lol (these can KO banana trees!)


“Okay... This sounds cool, but why should I listen to you? Who are you?”

In case we haven’t met yet,

My name is Sean Fagan, but I'm also known as the Muay Thai Guy.

I'm a former professional Muay Thai fighter.

My job is to teach you about Muay Thai so you can become the absolute best version of yourself.

My journey?

I first started practicing this martial art over 15 years ago because growing up,

I was small, skinny—and bullied.

I also got into fighting because it scared me,

And I needed to confront that fear.

It was about proving whether I could defend myself,

But more importantly, whether I could conquer my own doubts.

The idea of lying on my deathbed, regretting that I never went all-in on my dreams, was more terrifying than any failure I was experiencing.

Before I chose Muay Thai as a way of life,

I spent a lot of time in other sports, like hockey and baseball.

I even started going to the gym just to hide behind big muscles.

The problem was,

I wasn’t really confronting my fear.

But then, something happened that rocked me to my very core.

In one of my hockey games, things went too far.

I ended up fighting half the other team and spent nearly half the game in the penalty box

(I loved the physicality of hockey, especially hitting people).

Afterward, my mom asked me, "Why are you playing hockey if all you do is fight? You should try boxing or something!"

She said it half-jokingly,

But that planted a seed in my head that maybe I should try fighting.

At the time,

I was reading The Fighter's Heart by Sam Sheridan, a book that explored martial arts across the world.

Around the same time, life threw some curveballs...

I got fired, broke up with my girlfriend, and my lease was ending.

So I decided, right then and there,

I was going to follow Sheridan's journey and go to Thailand to train and fight.

I started as an amateur with a great first run, and I adopted my nickname (and also named my business after it).

From that point, I started competing professionally.

I lost my first three official fights as a professional,

Which made me question a lot about Muay Thai and fighting.

But thanks to the iron mindset I had developed,

And the people I surrounded myself with,

I came back stronger and achieved a record of 25-10 (with 10 KOs).

From that record, I was able to win two amateur championship titles,

One of which I fought with a broken arm.

I've competed in Lion Fight and won a title at Madison Square Garden.


Now I’m retired from the ring, but I still teach seminars all over the World.


I am a virtual coach to thousands of students through my at-home Muay Thai programming.

I originally come from a small town in upstate New York, which is where I now live with my wife and fellow fighter, Elizabeth,

And my 2-year-old son (aka. the next Muay Thai Guy).

My ultimate goal is to help people like you embrace Muay Thai and fitness to become the absolute best version of yourself.

With over 400K subscribers on YouTube, over 265K followers on Instagram, and over 985K on Facebook…

I can confidently say we’re the best at what we do.

Not just based on the size of our audience,

But mainly from the daily messages I receive from people, showing me how much I’ve helped them on their journey.

Sean "Muay Thai Guy" Fagan Has Worked With People Like...

Don Heatrick, Tai Lopez, UFC Fighter Matt "Steamrolla" Frevola, "Bazooka" Joe Valtellini, Angela "Overkill" Hill & Lawrence Kenshin...


Here’s What You Get When You Sign Up For "The Ultimate Muay Thai Training Package" TODAY:



Heavy Bag Blueprint 3.0:


 A striking mastery program designed for beginner and intermediate strikers looking for better technique, more explosive power, and skills that less than 0.01% of people will ever have.


9-Month Progressive, 'Click & Play" Workout Calendar:


A step-by-step series of workout calendars – each one is “clickable,” so all you have to do is click on your day and press Play (this is your fighting Netflix!)



75+ Follow-Along Muay Thai Workouts:  


75+ progressive workouts that work equally well for seasoned vets, skilled intermediates AND brand-new, 0% beginners.


100+ Muay Thai Combo Breakdowns:


Detailed coaching on a wide range of striking combinations to make sure you are performing them correctly.


70 Solo Striking Drills For The Heavy Bag:


Over-the-shoulder walkthrough of how to get elite skills with these solo striking drills.


PLUS—Muay Thai 101 Crash Courses:


I’ll also teach you the time-saving secrets I’ve discovered after 15+ years as a highly organized pro fighter.


Coach's Eye Bi-Weekly Video Feedback:


We’ll help you sharpen your technique with real feedback specific to you.


Also Included In This Package:

I'm adding—Not 2 bonuses—Not 3 bonuses


—But 8 Additional Bonuses!

Bonus #1:

Heavy Bag Blueprint 2:0 - The #1 Muay Thai Striking Course: 100 Combos, 30 Workouts, 35 Drills and a 24-Week Progressive Workout Program!

Valued At $297

Bonus #2:

Nak Muay Nation - An exclusive community with over 7400 like-minded members and 300+ HD training videos… There to push you forward to becoming the best version of yourself.

Valued At $349

Bonus #3:

Fight Like A Champion Step-By-Step Workouts - Learn to fight like your favorite fighters: Israel Adesanya, Saenchai, Dekkers, and many more.

Valued At $107

Bonus #4:

Fight Like Buakaw: 4-Week Muay Thai Program -Complete a variety of workouts based around the legend Buakaw. This will transform your physique & Muay Thai striking!

Valued at $69

Bonus #5:

Killer KO Combos - Learn the techniques, tricks, and tactics of 35 KO combinations that you can add to your arsenal of attacks!

Valued At $29

Bonus #6:

Boxing For Muay Thai - The most comprehensive course on standup striking for martial artists and fighters to improve their boxing skills (This is mainly for fighters).

Valued at $37

Bonus #7:

21 Killer Kicking Drills - Don't have a training partner to work drills with? Don't worry! A majority of these drills can be done along with a heavy bag or shadowboxing, so no need to wait for someone to hold pads for you!

Valued At $17


Bonus #8:

Yoga for Muay Thai - Dealing with lingering back, hip or knee injuries? This 4-week Yoga program will open up your hips, stretch out your legs, and improve your balance so you can land killer head kick KOs!

Valued At $47

Total Value With The Bonuses: $1257


Normal Price: $397 First-Fee Plus $97 Per Month.


Although it feels like a steal to give away all of these stuff for $397 + $97/month...

Today Only, You’ll Get All Of The Things I Just Mentioned For A Massive Discount Of 47%:


PLUS: You get to chose between 2 Payment Plans. 

Today Only:


(Cancel whenever you want)

$217 First-Member Fee Then Only $49 Per Month.


Today Today:


(Pay once and don’t pay again)

A One-Time Fee of $817 Instead Of $1097.


There’s no guarantee when this offer will end, so you need to purchase now if you want to get 47% off. 

I might just turn it off without letting anybody know.

Now, You Might Be Wondering, “OK, What Happens After I Start The Program?”



You'll start seeing incredible change in your body and your confidence.

Your self-esteem will be higher and you've made some new friends who are supportive and on the same journey as you.

Also you'll know how to throw some nice kicks and punches.



By now your body will be in extremely good shape.

You'll feel very confident with yourself, much more flexible.

You'll know how to properly defend yourself and your loved ones with the new acquired Muay Thai skills.

Big difference when you walk through the street because now you know that you can easily protect yourself.

Better mood and greater confidence.


"Anytime, anywhere" - the motto of the most game fighters of all time.

You might not be chasing after trouble, but you'll always be ready when it lands on your doorstep.

Fighting is an art form, and very few people can call themselves artists. 

You can now boldly claim that YOU are a martial artist.

What About Guarantees?

I Have Not Just 1...

But 2 Guarantees For You.


1st Guarantee:

You'll be backed by a 14-day "try it first" money-back guarantee.

Because I get it: you don't want to risk your hard earned money on another program that talks a big game... but ultimately leaves you unsatisfied.

The last thing I want is for you to be stuck somewhere you don't wanna be, even though I'm 100% confident that you'll fall in love with The Ultimate Heavy Bag Blueprint the first time you try it.

Try the program at least one time and if you don't wanna stick around, I'll give you 100% of your money back - no questions asked.

You join us in this 9-month program and if you don’t see any improvements in your day-to-day life in the first 14 days,

Then you get all of your money back guaranteed (zero questions asked).

2nd Guarantee:

If you still don’t like the program after 14 days, then not only do you get your money back but,

We’ll let you keep some of the bonuses.

Today Only:


(Cancel whenever you want)

$217 First-Member Fee Then Only $49 Per Month.


Today Today:


(Pay once and don’t pay again)

A One-Time Fee of $817 Instead Of $1097.


There’s no guarantee when this offer will end, so you need to purchase now if you want to get 47% off. 

I might just turn it off without letting anybody know.

Now You’re Left With 2 Choices:

Choice 1:

You join me and 9700+ people on their journey to become the best version of themselves possible who are crushing their goals.

Choice 2:

You go back to just running, cycling, or lifting weights here and there with no desire to keep on going whatsoever.

But you really must hurry as this is the end of the presentation, and there’s no guarantee of how long the offer will be available. 

Today Only:


(Cancel whenever you want)

$217 First-Member Fee Then Only $49 Per Month.


Today Today:


(Pay once and don’t pay again)

A One-Time Fee of $817 Instead Of $1097.


There’s no guarantee when this offer will end, so you need to purchase now if you want to get 47% off. 

I might just turn it off without letting anybody know.

See What 1000s Of People Say About This Program:


Members' Transformations:

Today Only:


(Cancel whenever you want)

$217 First-Member Fee Then Only $49 Per Month.


Today Today:


(Pay once and don’t pay again)

A One-Time Fee of $817 Instead Of $1097.


There’s no guarantee when this offer will end, so you need to purchase now if you want to get 47% off. 

I might just turn it off without letting anybody know.

Frequently Asked Questions: